Collection: Luiz Afonso Costa

Luiz Afonso Costa debuted in literature with the book Cavalo de Santo, winner of the National Short Story Competition of the Academy of Letters of Bahia, in 1995, published the following year. In 2010 he released the apocalyptic novel Bye Bye Babilônia, and in 2015 the book of short stories Caixa de Sombras. In 2017 it was the turn of Anos 70 Bahia, a panel of countercultural effervescence, in partnership with Sérgio Siqueira.
In the academic field, he graduated in Public Administration from UFBA, in 1976, and completed a Master's degree in Contemporary Communication and Culture from Facom/UFBA in 2005. Four years earlier, he obtained the Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies (DEA) in France at Université Aix-Marseille III. After completing his dissertation defense, he took a train from Marseille to Barcelona and there he began the autumnal tour covered in the book Transbordos.
In the professional field of communication, marketing and advertising – acting as executive manager, art director, consultant, editor and writer – Luiz Afonso won 19 corporate awards between 1994 and 2009, eight of which were national, two regional (Northeast) and eight in Bahia .
Retrato de Luiz Afonso Costa

Book by Luiz Afonso Costa published by Solisluna