Collection: Allê Barbosa

Allê Barbosa was born in Ipiaú, in the interior of Bahia. He grew up in the rural area among the cocoa trees and the farm animals, inventing his own toys and stories. At 18, he moved to São Paulo. After some time working in various activities in the capital of São Paulo, he returned to live in Ipiaú and took up his great passion, music, as a profession. This new path took him to the stage, where he was bassist and musical director for some bands. In 2010, already living in Salvador, he played with great artists, fulfilling his childhood dream – performing shows in several Brazilian states. He composed the song Jeito Carinhoso, which, from 2013 onwards, appeared on the radio and on stages across the country in the voices of notable Brazilian popular music artists with tens of millions of views on YouTube.
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