It happened in August 2023


Solisluna participated in the 1st São Paulo Literary Festival, which took place between the 1st and 5th of August, at the Centro Cultural São Paulo. On Friday (4), the writer Sara Bertrand spoke at the table 'Conversations about literature and youth', which was mediated by Dolores Prades, from Instituto Emília, a Solisluna partner. Then, Sara autographed her releases.

Sara Bertrand and Dolores Prades

'Conversations about Literature and Youth' table with Sara Bertrand and Dolores Prades during the 1st Flisampa.


Solisluna was present at another edition of the Pelourinho International Literary Festival - Flipelô -, which took place from August 10th to 13th, in Salvador. There were intense days of activities and exchanges of knowledge between authors, readers and everyone who attended the event. This year's honoree was Mãe Stella de Oxóssi, (1925-2018), who released her last book, ' A Ialorixá e o Pajé ' , by the publisher, in 2018.

The work's illustrator, Enéas Guerra, co-creator of Solisluna, participated in the 'Ancestry, Wisdom and Religiosity' panel, and recalled the days he lived with Mother Stella during production. Asked what the author's reaction was when she saw the illustrated book, the visual artist replied: “She kissed me on the forehead. I received that kiss as a blessing.” The debate also included contributions from the writer and illustrator Edsoleda Santos and the professor at the Federal University of Bahia (Ufba), Nelson Pretto.

Members of the Solisluna team, Luiz Afonso Costa (' Transbordos ' ), Esteban Vivaldi ( ' Roma Negra ' ), Iêda Marques ( ' Souvenirs, Imaginary and Reality ' ) and Sara Bertrand ( ' Out there, the Ghosts ' and ' A Memória do Bosque ' ) were also at Flipelô.

Table with Enéas Guerra, Edsoleda Santos and Nelson Pretto. In the photo, Valéria Pergentino holds the book A Ialorixá e o Pajé, by Mãe Stella de Oxóssi

Table with Enéas Guerra, Edsoleda Santos and Nelson Pretto. In the photo, Valéria Pergentino holds the book A Ialorixá e o Pajé, by Mãe Stella de Oxóssi


From August 17th to 20th, Chapada Diamantina hosted the Mucugê Literary Fair, Fligê. In addition to the publications available for the most varied reader profiles, Solisluna invited the public to participate in the table 'Music and Literature in the Territory of Chapada Diamantina'. Journalist Mira Silva mediated the debate between writers Luiz Afonso Costa ( ' Transbordos ' ), Sérgio Siqueira ( ' Clareou - Conversa pra Boi Leão Dormir ' ) and Francisco Lima Cruz Teixeira. Author of ' Chapada, Lavras, Diamantes - Historical Route of a Country Region ' , Francisco Lima released, on the occasion, the novel 'Corpo Fechado ' .


Authors Luiz Afonso, Francisco Teixeira, Sérgio Siqueira, and journalist Mira Silva, in front of the Solisluna stand at Fligê 2023

Authors Luiz Afonso, Francisco Teixeira, Sérgio Siqueira, and journalist Mira Silva, in front of the Solisluna stand at Fligê 2023


Sara Bertrand: releases in Salvador and São Paulo

Sara Bertrand was in Brazil to participate in Flipelô and also for the release of her most recent children's works: ' Lá fora, os Fantasmas ' and ' A Memória do Bosque '. Both are published by Solisluna Editora and Selo Emília. In Salvador, the Chilean writer chatted with the public who went to the LDM bookstore, at Shopping Bela Vista. Actress Jell Oliveira enchanted everyone with her interpretation of the stories. In São Paulo, the release took place on August 15, at Livraria Martins Fontes Vila Nova. Sara signed the works and also talked to readers.

actress Jell Oliveira and writer Sara Bertrand

Actress Jell Oliveira and writer Sara Bertrand give an interpreted reading of the book The Memory of the Woods during the release at LDM at Shopping Bela Vista in Salvador, Bahia.


8th International Education Conference

The book ' A Journey into Children's Rights ' was released on August 17, during the 8th International Education Conference, in São Paulo. In this work, children are the protagonists of the stories, being themselves the authors of the texts, which invite reflection and a good laugh. The publication arrives in Brazil through a partnership signed between Reggio Children, Rede Solare Brasil, Selo Emília and Solisluna Editora.


RedSolare Education Conference 2023
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